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Registration, Enrollment & Transfers

Registration & Enrollment


To Register your child, you will need to provide the school with: 

*Sample Proof of Residency: Current PG&E, Phone, Water, or Garbage Bill, Rental Lease, Escrow Papers, Homeowners Insurance, Pay Stubs, Voter Registration, Correspondence from Government Agency

  • 3 proofs of residency
  • Immunization Records
  • Proof of age
  • Special Ed Students - Current IEP

In addition to the above requirements, all students/parents will be required to accurately complete a paperwork packet prior to attending school. No student will be permitted to attend until ALL REQUIREMENTS have been met.  Students enrolling on a school day will not be able to begin until the next school day. 


Packets can be picked up from the school office or you can register online by clicking the button below. 

Interdistrict/Intradistrict Transfer Procedures


Interdistrict and Intradistrict Transfer Agreements are valid for 1 school year, only. Parents and Guardians of students must reapply each school year. 

If you do not live in the Santa Rita Union School District, you will need to start the process at your district of residence and fill out an Interdistrict Transfer form. Once your district of residence releases you from the district, submit your approved Interdistrict Transfer form to the Santa Rita Union School District, your Interdistrict Transfer form will not be accepted or valid until you have a signed release form from your district of residence.

If you do not live in the Santa Rita Union School District but would like your child to attend one of our schools, or you live in the Santa Rita School District but would like your child to attend a different school within the district, please follow these procedures and timelines.

If you are considering an Interdistrict/Intradistrict Transfer request, these are the reasons the superintendent or designee may approve the request.

  • Renewal of a prior Interdistrict/Intradistrict Request.
  • Parent is employed by the requested district.
  • To complete a school year when parents/guardians have moved out of the district during that school year.
  • To allow student to remain with a class graduating that year from an elementary or middle school.
  • To allow sibling to attend school in the same district. 
  • To allow student to attend a school with a program not offered by Santa Rita Union School District.
  • Child care
  • Other

Failure to abide by these SRUSD Transfer Agreement conditions will result in the revocation of the transfer. Inter/Intra District Parent Meeting Form.

  • The student may not engage in any violations of the law, school rules, school directives, or violations of Education Code 48900.
  • The student must maintain a satisfactory record of attendance. Any student with 3 or more unexcused absences is considered truant as defined by Education Code Section 48260 (a), and this condition will prompt a mid-year revocation of this agreement. The student may not have an excess of 5 unexcused tardies.
  • All students must be picked up promptly after school. Transportation must be provided by the parent or guardian.
  • Any parent, guardian, or adult representative of the student must maintain a peaceful demeanor when interacting with the school personnel. Any adult who interferes with the peaceful conduct of the activities of the campus or facility is in violation of California Penal Code Section 626.7. Violation of the code will result in revocation of the Inter/Intradistrict Transfer Agreement.

The Superintendent or designee may deny applications for Inter/Intradistrict Transfers due to limited district resources, overcrowding of school facilities at the relevant grade level, or other considerations that are not arbitrary. If denied, the superintendent or designee shall advise the parent/guardian, in writing, of the right to appeal to the Monterey County Office Education Board of Education within 30 calendar days from the date of the final decision. 


  • An Intradistrict transfer is a transfer within the Santa Rita Union School District. An Interdistrict transfer is a transfer from District to District. 

  • If you live in another school district attendance area and would like to attend one of our schools, you will need to start the transfer process at your district of residence. Once you have been approved for release from your district of residence you will need to fill out our transfer form.

  • Inter and Intra-District transfers must be done every year. Interdistrict transfer requests are only good for the school year it is approved for.

Additional Questions?

Amy Lopez
(831) 443-7200 ext.1203