Hello SRUSD Staff and Families,
We are excited to invite you to participate in an important ThoughtExchange about our district's Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP) goals. The LCAP is a critical component of our education system, outlining our district's plans and priorities for enhancing student success and allocating resources effectively.
Your input is invaluable to this process and to our District. Through this ThoughtExchange, we aim to learn what’s most important to everyone in our community and use that insight to inform our next steps in achieving our LCAP goals.
We are using ThoughtExchange because it allows everyone to share their perspectives and understand what’s most important to the group. Your thoughts, questions, and ideas are crucial in shaping our district’s future.
How to Participate:
Click here - https://tejoin.com/scroll/825134657 - to join the ThoughtExchange.
Share your thoughts and see what others have shared.
Return as many times as you can through September 16th to rate new ideas.
Thank you for your time and valuable input. We look forward to hearing from you!